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Dave E


20 December, 2017


Dear Friends



The meeting opened at 7.40pm, with MNSW President Tim Sanford in the Chair. All members of the Board, CEO Dave Cooke, and Amy Knop, (acting as Minute Secretary) were present.


MNSW CONSTITUTION During the reading of the minutes the President discussed the progress on the proposed new MNSW Constitution. In the last newsletter I mentioned that the new constitution was being developed in conjunction with MA's new constitution. When I asked which parts of MA's constitution were to be included in MNSW's, I was informed that there were no actual requirements for the constitution, only that MNSW's constitution did not conflict with MA's. When I asked which areas this covered, the President could not give details. As mentioned last month, a questionnaire has been sent to all clubs and life Members for their opinions. The answers will help guide the Board in fine-tuning the draft. Each of the questions came with a rationale and the Board's recommendations.

There are 15 questions to consider:

Should the quorum at General meetings be reduced to 12, from 15? Should the Board elect its own President and Vice President? Should Directors terms be extended from two years to three years? Should Directors be limited to a maximum of two terms? Should the Board be able to appoint up to 2 temporary directors? Should NEW life members be given an individual vote? Should the Board have the power to suspend a Director? Should the Board appoint Sports Committees? Should the Board determine disciplinary matters? Should affiliated Private Promotors be given voting rights at General Meetings?

Should affiliated Private Promotors be allowed to stand for election to the Board?

Should the number of Private Promotors on the Board be limited to 1? Should the MNSW Annual Elections be overseen by an outside agency? Should a Director have at least 1 year of experience on the Board before being eligible to be elected President?

As you can see, these questions cover a wide range of proposed changes to the present constitution, and will alter the way MNSW operates, and I believe that MNSW is correct in getting the clubs' opinions on some of the more controversial items before the whole document arrives. The last attempt to change the constitution failed, I believe, because Clubs did not have time to consider the implications of the proposed changes, and offer alternatives.

So read each question, and consider what effect the change will have on the control of our sport.

BATHURST NEW CIRCUIT. The President discussed progress on plans for the new circuit, announcing that the suggested layout of the circuit has had to be changed, to allow access to the circuit from the Blayney Road. This will also require relocation of the existing rifle range. (The rifle range is alongside the back road to McPhillamy Park. This sounds like a wise decision; who wants to have to dodge stray shots in the pits?)

Tim thanked the Panorama Delegate Bruce Morgan for his invaluable, long-term assistance to get a Road Race circuit for bikes in Bathurst.



The President discussed his recent visit to Coonabarabran and the MNSW owned MX circuit and Enduro Ride Park known as Goanna Tracks. He said the MX circuit is in great shape, and ready for a round of the NSW Championships.

When asked if there was to be any change to the present management arrangements, where the former owner runs the site rent free, he said that due to the low usage numbers there was little chance of a financial return to MNSW from the property. The proprietor, who lives on the site, uses all the income to support himself and maintain the property, and MNSW was glad that at least it wasn't costing them money to keep a popular circuit available for riders. When questioned if the circuit had Public Risk Insurance cover, he said that a policy covered MNSW, and casual riders had the option of buying a one event licence which included accident insurance.

The property is listed on the books as valued at $220,000.

Later, during the "New Affiliations" section of the meeting, a new club named Coonabarabran MX and Enduro Club was approved. So this club could well supply new users of Goanna Tracks.



Last issue I mentioned that the lease on the Ian Packer Mini Bike area at Horsley Park has been extended by one year. Discussing possible replacements, the President confirmed that MNSW is consulting with the NSW Minister of Sport, Stuart Ayres, and Blacktown Council. A site at Whalen is currently under investigation. However, a serious oversight has been uncovered by the new bookkeeper, Louie Henry. Apparently MNSW is liable for back payment of rates on the Mini Bike property of around $57,000.

It appears that the former CEO was aware of the liability, but saw fit to ignore it, so the rates for 6 or 7 years will need to be paid in one lump.



The meeting was informed that the transfer of ownership of the Nowra MX circuit is well under way, with the new Nowra Club operating the venue. They are expecting to hold the NSW MX Championships in March. The President announced that the Shoalhaven Council will not be supporting the local Aboriginal Land Council claim for Native Title on the property.



CEO Dave Cooke has had a meeting with the Australian Racing Drivers Club, proprietors of the Eastern Creek venue, regarding the extremely high hiring charges for the circuits, which are forcing clubs to reduce the number of Road Race events in Sydney.

There are now only 2 clubs (PCRA and St George) which run bike events at Eastern Creek, with some of their meetings transferred to Wakefield Park, or to Victorian circuits.

One interesting suggestion raised was the introduction of night racing. Night racing for bikes was tried at Oran Park many years ago, but never really took off. Perhaps this suggestion is an admission that bike racing is now no longer the noisy neighbour, compared to the Drag Racing next door.



The use of "written off" motorcycles, i.e. bikes that have been involved in road or other accidents, paid out by insurance companies as unrepairable, and later restored for competition use was raised at a recent Motorcycle Alliance meeting. This matter arose after a recent serious accident at Eastern Creek when the steering head on a bike broke in a minor incident during an event, causing serious injury to the rider. Requiring scrutineers to search for possibly concealed damage or cracks anywhere on the bike during machine scrutineering is unrealistic, and puts too much responsibility on the officials. I suspect that a "Certificate of fitness" of the bike to race by the entrant will be introduced to put the responsibility on the bike owner, or whoever prepares the bike. This matter is to be referred to MA for further consideration.



As mentioned last issue, the President and CEO recently inspected the Lithgow Kart Track as a possible bike race venue. Negotiations are continuing with the club, and the Board is considering the likely investment required to make the circuit suitable for Short Course Road Racing and Super Moto.



MNSW's new Accounts Staff member Louie Henry has been going over the books and has uncovered some embarrassing errors in the accounts. The President admitted that a number of errors in creditor accounts had been identified, including duplications, expired accounts and various fees. When combined with the arrears rate payments for Horsley Park of $57,000 the total write off could come to over $100,000 and will appear in the December accounts, which is now expected to show a loss.

This will have a serious effect on the surplus for the year. No errors in the debits have been identified so far.


ROAD RACE GRADING The Road Race Committee report revealed that 63 riders have been re-graded. Are you one of the lucky ones?



The CEO confirmed that the rules for Short Course Road Racing are progressing, and are expected to be included in the 2018 MoMS. This is being organised by MA, hopefully incorporating the recommendations from MNSW.


ACTIVE KIDS PROGRAM The CEO announced that Motorcycling has been included in the NSW Government's Active Kids Program. This is expected to contribute over $400,000 to parents of Junior riders in 2018. This program could supply up to $100.00 per rider (under 18) who nominates motorcycling as their chosen sport. The grant for motorcycling is expected to be accessed through Ridernet and used to rebate licence fees, etc.



The CEO Dave Cooke discussed various proposals from MA to increase their income. After abandoning the plan to confiscate LCB assets, the focus is to be on developing new income streams. Various schemes have been proposed, including junior licences paid monthly, and somehow tapping into the Road Riding market. He pointed out that the controlling body of motorcycle racing in the USA, the AMA, started as a road riding support organisation. There are huge numbers of Australian riders who are not interested in the competition side, but if they could be affiliated through MA as a group, the income problems would be overcome.

NSW Motorcycling Alliance presently has over 8,000 members.



Tim Sanford, on behalf of the Board and the MNSW office staff thanked everyone for their co-operation throuought the year, comparing the animosity and confusion of just one year ago to the present peaceful situation.

The change of management and restructure of the office to multi- skilling has been such a success that MA and some other LCBs are now considering adopting some of the same procedures.

He wished the delegates and all club members a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year, and looked forward to a great competition year in 2018.


Regards Dave E

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